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My all time favourite mystery, suspense books

Hello again. (日本語は下記記載してます。ご覧下さい☺️💕)

Ever since a moment when Sherlock Holmes swept my mind, I have been fascinated by mystery and suspense books.(Speaking of horror , I don't hate the genre but don't love it either) so it is my favorite genre now thus today I am going to introduce some of my all time favorite books. I didn't put them in paticular order, they are all equally wonderful books. 



 ・Into The Water by Paula Hawkins

・The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson

・Verity by Colleen Hoover

Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier

・The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

・The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides





f:id:vanessa0131:20200503210132j:plain      This is a suspense novel about women who were dead at the bottom of a river. A very big secret is now standing to be disclosed. very different from The Girl on the  Train and Many booktubers or others say this is not as suspenseful as The Girl on the Train. but I have to admit here,I enjoyed it and stayed up late to see what was going on . The quiet looming anxiety was with me while reading and the way that the author depicted a town and a river was very clear and atmospheric ,which I believe added an extra thrill to the whole story.  One thing that didn't tickle my fancy was that the cast of characters is a bit too big that I was a bit confused from time to time. 




この著者のもう一つ後で言及しますがThe Girl on the Train の方が人気があってこちらの本は劣ると言われていますが、私はどちらも同じぐらい気に入っています。怖さの種類がそれぞれ違って気になって徹夜で読んでいたぐらいです。500ページぐらいでやや長いですが私でも読めたのでそこそこの英語力があればきっと理解できます。単語も繰り返しでてくるものが多い印象でわからなければ、一回調べればまた出てくるのでいい勉強になるはずです😀♩



f:id:vanessa0131:20200503212617j:plain  Here it is Peter Swanson ! You have NO idea how much I love his books and this is the most amazing and smartest book that I have ever read in my entire life!( maybe I am exaggerating ? )His books are also  popular in Japan so they have been translated into Japanese as well. WORTH THE HYPE book. 

In this book , A man called Ted meets a woman , Lily at an airport. They strikes up a conversation and then Ted jokingly says that he wants to kill his wife.( Yeah I know it is crazy) More surprisingly Lily offers a help to do it. Of course there should be a reason for it.  Very compelling ,captivating and smart. It was the most unputdownable book.


インスタをフォローしてるぐらい好きです。笑 彼の作品の緻密な構成にはどうしたらこんなのが書けるのだろうと脱帽ものです。この話はテッドという主人公がある日偶然、空港で出会った女性、リリーに冗談で妻を殺したいと告白する所から始まる。どんでん返しがすごいし結末に圧倒される。日本語翻訳版もあるので是非読んでみてください。




f:id:vanessa0131:20200503220257j:plain    Colleen Hoover is my absolute favorite author .She writes a lot of romance so Verity is really different from what she usually writes but which doesn't necessarily mean she can't amaze suspence lovers does it ?

This story follows a female writer , Lowen who is struggle to make a living and another famous writer , Verity.  One day , Verity unfortunately got involved in a traffic accident that caused a fatal damege to her. She can not write books anymore so her husband asked Lowen to become her ghost writer. But Lowen starts to realise that something is wrong with this family. Romance is surely a part of this story but not a big portion of it .

There are some plot twists which I didn't see them coming .I really enjoyed it with a lot of emotions so if you haven't read it , what are you wating for ? 









f:id:vanessa0131:20200504091050j:plain               f:id:vanessa0131:20200504093416j:plain

I love this book cover it's so gorgeous. The story follows a girl , Mary who crosses a moor to Jamaica inn ,the home of Aunt Patience after the death of Mary's mum. The setting is classic gothic -it's the1820s in a lonely ,cold and windswept area of Cornwall, near the treacherous Bodmin Moor where no one wants to be around . After her arrival the Inn, Mary discovers the inn is a hotbed of nasty crime and her aunt's husband is a dangerous man, but she has no idea what she can do for her aunt.

Du Maurier injects elements of true horror like it's really looming from your behind when you least expect to come.haha  The story is quite dark and intense that is so fun for me and I love the protagonist , Mary. She is sooo intelligent and incredibly brave girl confronting the enemy to save her aunt .The plot is neatly organaised .

oh let me tell you, this book won't leave you a happy and comfortable vibe in the end.









f:id:vanessa0131:20200504094731j:plain  This is an undoubtedly popular book so I am not going to mention what this story is about in detail. The protagonist, Rachel  recently divorced and she was used to be an alcholic which put her at odds as a narrator .She takes the same commuter train every day and from a window of the train, she sees a perfect couple . Perfect----untill she sees something shocking .She goes to the police but they don't believe her and she is getting entangled in her own investigation. This is a fast speed suspense novel which keeps me captivated throughout the story.Besides it is full of secrets like nobody can be trusted in this story.Gripping and OH so very CREEPY!!





f:id:vanessa0131:20200504104319j:plain This is a phychological mystery .Alicia has seemingly perfect life untill she shoots her husband five times in the face and then never speaks another word.After the tragedy, she is sent away to a psychiatric unit in North London.There,Theo who works as a criminal psychotherapist gets interested in her case and determines to get her to talk and unravel the mystery of the reason of her clime.

It is so unique and compelling, completely mind-blowing..!! The biggest plot twist come out of bloody nowhere.









Thanks for reading this page.

If you have any other recs to me, please leave a comment .


Happy reading.